Vendhaya (Methi) - Big Leaves

Vendhaya (Methi) - Big Leaves

Vendhaya (Methi) - Big Leaves

  • ₹30.00
  • ₹25.00

  • In Stock
  • Ex Tax: ₹25.00

Methi leaves are an exceptionally well known fixing in Indian dishes that has a severe taste areas of strength for and.


Methi leaves decrease aggravation inside the body.

They are viable in advancing milk stream for breastfeeding.

They assist with dietary issues.

Decrease flaws/obstinate skin imprints and they are regular mouth purifiers.

Capacity and Utilizations

Capacity: Enclose them by paper and refrigerate for as long as 5 days. For long haul stockpiling, absorb the leaves a bowl of saltwater for 10 minutes. Dry them on a kitchen towel. Saute them on medium fire with a tablespoon of oil to ingest dampness totally. Once cooled, store them in an impermeable contain

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