Superior Tea: Savor the beautiful Tata Tea Chakra Gold Care tea blend's rich flavour and all-natural components.
Tulsi is considered to boost the body's defence mechanisms.
Brahmi has a reputation for enhancing memory.
Elaichi is reputed to aid in digestion.
Known to be beneficial for the treatment of a common cold, a cough, and a sore throat, respectively, ginger and adhimadhuram tea
Enjoy Each Moment: At any moment of the day, the ideal cup of tea will delight you and your loved ones.
Every cup, every day, goodness
Frequently searched terms include "strong tea," "1 kg of tea," "chai patti," "masala tea," "chai," "chai leaves," "chakra gold tea," "chakra gold tea powder," and "chakra gold care."
Tags: TATA Tea Chakra Gold Care, TATA, Tea, Chakra, Gold, Care