Galaxy Crispy Chocolate Bar
₹20.00 Ex Tax: ₹20.00
Galaxy Crispy Chocolate BarA firm waiting world chocolate created affectionately to soften in your mouthRich milk delightfulness briefly of joyFirm to the center universe gives a wonderful chocolate eating experienceLoosen up and enjoy with the ideal..
Galaxy Milk Chocolate With Cookie Crumble
₹45.00 Ex Tax: ₹45.00
Galaxy Milk Chocolate With Cookie CrumblePREMIUM MILK CHOCOLATE: Improve up your life by enjoying the rich perfection of World Milk Chocolate with Treat Disintegrate.Heavenly Treat Disintegrate: Stacked with the heavenliness of treat disintegrate and..
Galaxy Smooth Milk Chocolate Bar
₹10.00 Ex Tax: ₹10.00
Galaxy Smooth Milk Chocolate BarPresently shock your friends and family with World Premium Chocolates enveloped by a wonderful and exquisitely planned potli. Share the delight with these tasty chocolate bars intertwined with compelling smooth milk ch..