Thiruneeru (vibuthi)

Thiruneeru (vibuthi)

Thiruneeru (vibuthi)

  • ₹12.00

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  • Ex Tax: ₹12.00

Vibhuti is a most loved thing of Master Shiva. He generally covers His body with the sacred debris as it is the most flawless thing in this universe.

Bhasma or Udi is additionally called "vibhooti", in light of the fact that it gives otherworldly power. The Sanskrit word, vibhooti signifies 'brilliance' , as it gives greatness to one who applies it, insurance from weakness and negative powers, and draws in the higher powers of nature.

vibhuti gets accused of positive energy

Vibhuthi ought to be taken with the right hand and applied on the temple as three level lines. The principal line represents expulsion of Ahankar (pride) the following represents evacuation of Obliviousness and the third represents evacuation of terrible karma (activities).

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Tags: Thiruneeru, neer, viboothi, vibuthi